Most agencies fail to deliver because they ignore what your competition is doing. We attack every single opportunity to make sure you beat the competition and generate more and better-quality leads.
A diagnostic review of your competitors and total addressable market. We will show you how many leads are available based on your location and competition
"Low hanging fruit" that you can attack right away to get higher organic (and paid) rankings in Google. For every dollar you spend on search marketing, we will show you how it impacts your leads.
A ready to use strategy roadmap with everything you need to get more leads from search engines, including scope of work, investment amount + timeline to results.
This depends on your current situation, goals and your budget. Typically our clients pay us starting around $1,000 a month and increase depending on your needs.
We do not have long term contracts. We only require a 30 day notice of cancellation. We do, however, ask our clients to give us 6 months to put in the work required to get you the results you deserve.
This varies depending on your current rankings and website. PPC leads generally start coming the first week we turn on the campaign. SEO results vary depending on competition and location.
Locallogy was founded in 2008 and we have been helping local service business ever since. We build long term relationships and are proud of the fact that we still have many of our original customers still working with us.
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